You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
Working papers
Lijoi, A., Mignemi, G., Pruenster, I. Estimation of Species Richness via Gibbs-type priors.
Mignemi, G., Paganin, S. Bayesian Semiparametric Generalized Many-Facet Rasch model with Anchoring Rater Bias.
Mignemi,G. Flexible Rating Models for Partial Exchangeable Subjects.
Mignemi, Panzeri, A., Bruno, G., Spoto, A. Bayesian Nonparametric Exploratory Analysis in Psychological Sciences.
Under review
Mignemi, G., Manolopoulou, I. Bayesian Nonparametric Models for Multiple Raters: a General Statistical Framework.
Mignemi, G., Chen, Y., Moustaki, I. Unfolding the Network of Peer Grades: A Latent Variable Approach.
Mignemi, G., Chen, Y., Moustaki, I. (2025). Statistical Analysis of Peer Grading: A Latent Variable Approach. In: Proceedings from 52st scientific meeting of Italian Statistical Society (SIS), 22-24 June 2024, Bari, Italy.
Mignemi, G., Calcagni, A., Spoto, A., Manolopoulou, I. (2024). Mixture polarization in inter-rater agreement analysis: a Bayesian nonparametric index. Statistical Methods and Applications, 33, 325-355
Mignemi, G., Manolopoulou, I., Calcagni, A. Groups heterogeneity in classification tasks: a Bayesian nonparametric approach. In: Proceedings from 14th Scientifc Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (Cladag), Salerno, September 11-13, 2023. ISBN: 9788891935632
Mignemi, G., Manolopoulou, I., Spoto, A., Calcagni, A. Latent thresholds model in classification tasks. In: Proceedings from 51st scientific meeting of Italian Statistical Society (SIS), 22-24 June 2022, Caserta, Italy. ISBN 9788891932310
Collaborations in Social Sciences
Vicovaro, M., Mignemi, G., Nucci, M., Bolognani, L., Iannattone, S., Bruno, G., & Spoto, A. (2025). A new Bayesian method for the estimation of emergency nurses’ thresholds and agreement in the context of telephone triage. Frontiers in Psychology, 16, 1477844.
Riccardi, A., Barbadoro, F., Margoni, M., Mignemi, G., Pucci, V., Mondini, S., … & Gallo, P. (2024). Neuropsychological Awareness in Pediatrics (NAP): proposal of a new cognitive self-report questionnaire for pediatric Multiple Sclerosis patients. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 106251.
Iannattone, S., Mignemi, G., Pivetta, E., Gatta, M., Sica, C., Cardi, V., Canale, N., Spoto, A., Bottesi, G. (2024). Are anxiety, depression, and stress distinguishable in Italian adolescents? an examination through the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21. PloS one, 19(2), e0299229.
Panzeri, A., Mignemi, G., Bruno, G., Granziol, U., Scalavicci, C., Bertamini, M., Bennett, K. M., Spoto, A., Vidotto, G. (2023). The role of the COVID-19 impersonal threat strengthening the associations of right-wing attitudes, nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiments. Current Psychology, 1, 3.
Mignemi, G., Panzeri, A., Granziol, U. et al. (2022). The mediating role of scientifical-medical satisfaction between COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs and vaccine confidence: a two-waves structural equation model. Journal of Behavioral Medicine,46, 201-211.
Panzeri, A., Bettinardi, O., Bottesi, G., Bertolotti, G., Brambatti, G., Monfredo, M., Mignemi, G., Bruno, G., Vidotto, G., Spoto, A., Frattola, P., Chiesa, S. (2022) Assessment of perceived support in the context of emergency: Development and validation of the psycho-social support scale. Current Psychology.
Shevlin, M., Butter,…, Mignemi, G., Spoto, V., Vidotto, G., Bentall, R. P. (2022). Measurement invariance of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7) across four European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), 154.
Maeran, R & Mignemi, G. (2022). Psicologia del turismo, nuove forme interattive di consumo. Bologna: Patron Editore.
Maeran, R., Mignemi, G. (2021). The role of consumer-brand engagement in tourism consumption: from user-generated content to my generated content.Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, Vol. 28, pp. 505-520.